The shark would hope for a piece of me or you.
Clinging to the side of a boat half of us underwater waiting for that leisurely crunch.
Rows of teeth like blades, pity circle of life and all that! Coming round and chompin teeth.
Yes drifting on half a raft aimlessly at sea. Then up underneath and bang blood and limbs left hanging similiar to the neglect that landed you here on the surface of a monsters platter. Sharks would hope.
Just swimming out an extra hundred metres could end up being expensive.
Just one bite one small rip and the damages extensive.
The surfboard´s with holes and teethmarks, amputees.
Off reefs where swells gather and so do sharks for tea.
Shark´s would hope, don´t buy the seal story.
They know it´s us and try to make it slow and gory.
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