sexta-feira, 17 de maio de 2013

Bouncing around in raptures so and so

There´s no balance

Gravity has departed like a friend you once depended on
Now colours merge and burst and appear and disappear
Superstition was once a toy played with until it broke

Spirituality and philosophy little edges a rock climber can get his fingers into
Religions the stagnant dead lakes full of venemous serpents
Beds of nails on which astray minds have found sense and sensation
There´s no truth but the one you´re stuck with now

Rolling around in a womb a diamond fingered womb if any
Bouncing around in raptures so and so
Waiting to be born into something more real
there´s no balance and mystery has the upper hand

I´ll tickle your mind for a while
Stroke your desire for a paper machete world
Caress your need for a hard platform to stand on
There´s no balance as you reach for someone´s hand

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