segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2013

Edward´s makeover

Edward was in his thirties and going bald.
He enjoyed life his job and family etc.
Life was good though subtly there was a certain amount of complacency.
Often he´d go out looking a mess and his wife´s friends would comment
not sparing in detail or bluntness.
Edward would get upset during the conversations about his choice of dress and unshaven face etc.
He would scow at his wife´s tone.

Though months of complaining had worn poor Edward down
So as he was taking the bus home from his job he met a younger woman.
her name was kelly she was talkative and energetic and asked all sorts of ridiculous questions
about what edward thought about the horoscopes etc and modern fashion. Edward got reeled
into her silly conversations and pretended to really relate even though he was at odds
understanding most of what Kelly was talking about.
She had orange dye in her brown hair and turned her head right around
each time she started a new a sentence. As if she had a completely new idea each time.

Before edward got out of the bus kelly gave him her card which was for the local
beauty salon. She told him to go down there and check it out.
Edward scoffed as he got out of the bus- beauty salon, as if!
But one week the day Edward took the day off and went down to the salon
in his finest clothes unbeknownst to his wife.
He arrived at  door and shivered alittle not just because he was embarrased but because
he was quite unconfident about the whole deal as he had told himself that he wouldn´t
be doing anything like that.

He tried to look confident and jumped through the door as he pushed it open
as if arriving out of nowhere, hadn´t worked though, most of the girls working in there
had seen the balding edward considering himself before he´d even arrived at the door.
Kelly poked her head out from one of the old lady´s heads that was being worked on.
She burst out crying and Edward stood and looked in shock! Actually she wasn´t crying at all
she was only laughing so hard that it appeared that she was crying.

Edward went as red as a cherry and knowing his own embarrasment showed started to shiver
Now all the girls working there were laughing.
So kelly walked up to him confidently and plopped him into a seat.
She said to him -Listen you really need a makeover let me and the girls do it for you today-!
He was completely won by her charm and asked-What´s the damage for a whole makeover-.
Kelly said to him-Ah don´t worry about the money, this is too important-!
So kelly instead of setting up the area herself asked one of her friends to come over and do it
for her. Then she went around the counter and disappeared.
The girl who worked on him was very brutal and cut him shaving twice
She hurt his ears when she pulled them back to cut his hair.
And applied moisturizer to his face getting a wad in his mouth.

Edward hated every minute but when he was done all the girls there
complimented him except kelly who´d gone out for lunch and never returned.
Edward wanted so much to show her as the other girls had been so flattering in their words.
No luck Kelly wouldn´t have cared in the slightest anyway the man was a joke to her.
The manager who was a man stuck his ugly face out of the counter and said -That´s going to
be $250 please plus tax. Edward almost pissed his pants right there and then that money was for his wife´s birthday.
On the way home Cars went passed tooting their horns and pulling the middle finger.
A couple of gays stopped by him and tried to offer him a ride home. He refused bitterly
and they just laughed.
He got home early that day only to find one of his bowling friends sex with his wife.
But instead of them being surprised they turned around both naked on the kitchen table
and said -So you finally came out of the closet?

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