segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2014

Selfishness such pomp and ego

I ponder on my own
well by myself
beside myself
what a self

I ponder what would happen if I didn't get
all the things that I want
I feel sickly Feel someone taunts
It's all about me

No one else in this universe
Just me only I well thank god for that
I don't help people too busy with myself
I don't spend my time or money on others

Cause it's all about me
Center of the world sit down and congratulate me
I Come first in all competitions
the accolades are there for my hands to wrap around

The envy comes from without and goes straight in
in to my greatness, I only think of wonderful I
What a pig am I what a beast I have been
has there ever been such pompousness, such arrogance have you ever seen?

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