quinta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2014

The food goes a wasting

off it goes
and in the sack
speeding up the stench
until it´s drenched and carried out to the bin

and the hot afternoon ferments it alot more
until the rubbish truck comes to the front door
and half of that sack was filled edible food
and I guess leftover eating is just too rude

So off it goes, rotting cause it´s a day too old
into the sack with the packaging that didn´t get recycled
into the whickity whack of the peddle step lid lifting flap
Our irresponsible conservative trash throwers, bible bashing funk boogie litterers

And out go rivers of food to nowhere, not to hungry mouths
But to the glorious mountains of methane emitting waste
God bless the dump

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